Point Blank team weekend

By Christoph Welter

In Team

What happens when you shuttle 28 of Berlin’s brightest minds off to the country side and lock them all up for two days in a fun but exhausting workshop?

Of course what happens in Brandenburg stays in Brandenburg so we won’t spill on who won the dance battle on Friday night. But what we can say is that we definitely came back with lots of new and great ideas for our next projects.

The first day was all about drama. Together with an external moderator we learned new exciting techniques like staging a situation only by using ourselves but without saying a word. Also we had the chance to take role play as a tool to a whole new level: three professional actors helped us to recreate areas of everyday conflict, e.g. disappointment at the hairdressers. By being the directors of those situations we were able to dive deeper into understanding the different stakeholders and recreating their thoughts and needs.


On the second day our Point Blank newbies (Thanks Gwen, Steffi, David and Marco!) had prepared an extra-ordinary challenge for us: Develop a business solution for a relocation service for fish. Sounds a little bit strange? It definitely was! But our prototypes tell the tale of what our creative minds can achieve when confronted with the impossible.

Want to discuss how we can help you with our crazy new ideas?

Just say hello.

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