How-Might-We Questions

By Gerhard Keim

In Tools

Ask differently, and think in new ways

You are looking for new or even disruptive ideas? One of the things we might do with you is to develop questions.

Why? We are convinced that ones who ask questions stay curious, reflect on possibilities and think further. That is what we’ll do with you. With ‘how-might-we’ questions, we think about what we actually want to achieve, for whom and under what conditions. We will help transform research challenges into questions that give direction and enable you to think differently about potential answers. We even work out offbeat questions that point towards new directions. Asking questions is the first part of creation and asking brave questions by thinking out of the box is essential.

  • Name a challenge
  • Insist on phrasing questions that you want to answer
  • Dare to ask out of the box, to think out of the box
  • Challenge your way of thinking

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